Day 31: A vivid memory. Before my daughter was born, the doctor had requested that I do a 24 hour urine collection so they could test for protein. My protein had been particularly high and they wanted to see what was going on. So I took off of work on a Tuesday to stay at home all day and pee in a jug. It was so much fun. On Thursday, the results were in and my protein was way high. So the OB had me come into the office that afternoon for a check up. I was around 38 weeks so I knew there was a small chance that he could me to delivery but I didn't really think it would happen. So I left work early and went home to shower and make sure I had my bag packed just in case. When we got to the doctor's office, my OB basically said my protein and blood pressure were too high and I was swelling too much. It was time to induce. Um what? No we have two weeks left and we have no kitchen. We had decided to remodel our kitchen ...