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Showing posts from June, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl, once again, I'm sorry in advance because you have to get your shots today.  Hopefully you will only cry a little and the fun band aids will distract you afterwards.  On the brighter side, your water table came yesterday so I can't wait to set that up! Dear Baby #2, you kick me so hard sometimes it makes me gasp, especially when you kick my hip bones.  You are going to be a strong little guy. Dear stomach bug, go away.  I don't like being awake all night throwing up.  I especially don't like the way I feel today or the bright red rash you are leaving on my face.  I'm pretty sure it's just a stomach bug or food poisoning but do I call the doctor just to be safe???? Dear Saturday, I really hope that this stomach thing goes away so that I can enjoy you.  I have a ton of plans for you and I don't want to miss any of them.  Dear Target, I don't usually shop at your stores but I did last night and I have ...

Mom's Moving

So I came across this video today:  Moms Moving A non-custodial Mother? What the hell is that? These women leave their children. How do you do that? I wake up every morning waiting for my daughter to wake up so that I can see her adorable little smile.  So that I can pick her up out of her crib and feel her arms wrap around my neck.  So that I can steal a kiss from her before dropping her at daycare. There is no way I could live without these things! She sits there and says no one should have to sacrifice anything to have children and yet her ex husband has sacrificed hasn't he?  How is that fair?  We all know that we are going to sacrifice some things when we have children.  That's a choice we all have to make.  For some, the desire to be independent and free is greater than the desire to have children.  Those people...don't have children.  That's their choice.  And that's OK for them. Having kids and then leavin...

My Dear Sweet Baby Girl

In about two months, you will become a big sister.  Everything is about to change for you.  I can't help but feel a little sad that our one on one time is ending but I know that we will navigate through this new adventure together.  You have been such an amazing little child.  You are so smart and funny and strong willed.  You give tons of hugs and kisses and you laugh like no one else in this world.  I hope that you will never forget how much your Daddy and I need you and love you. I know that this is going to be a big adjustment for you and I can only hope that I help to make it as smooth as possible.  You will always be my first born, my Baby Girl.  We have such a strong bond and nothing will ever shake it.  Your brother will need a lot of attention at first and I don't ever want you to feel left out or feel like we don't love you as much.  I will do my best to involve you in every part of this process.  I know th...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I almost punched a woman in line behind me at the grocery store the other night.  See the full story HERE .  I really think the shirt I wore yesterday makes the bump look huge.  That or all my other shirts disguise it a bit better.  Either way, no more wearing that shirt. Ever since Sunday's 'incident', I think every little cramp or pain is me going into labor.  Yes I know better but the thought is still there (click HERE  for that story). I have absolutely no motivation to cook or clean right now.  I just want to sleep.  All the time. I have already forgotten about Instagram.  I don't adjust well. I tried making the Coca Cola cake that I've been talking about but it wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be.  I will try again at some point. I did make THIS easy dinner recipe and, holy crap, was it awesome! I'm over Kimye's baby.  I was over it the day the kid wa...

Gorcery Store Fight

So Baby Girl and I went grocery shopping Monday night, as we have been doing for the past two weeks.  We usually try to go Sunday nights as a family but we just haven't had the time lately.  She is always very good for me because it's usually later in the evening and she is winding down so I don't mind the alone time with her. I found a line that only had one person in it and he was almost done so I felt pretty lucky considering our grocery store lines can get pretty long.  I started putting my things on the belt and a lady got in line behind me.  Now I'm at the back of the cart try to maneuver my big belly around so I can reach the things in my cart.  Baby Girl was sitting in the front part of the cart, as usual. I had about half of my items on the belt when the lady behind me grabs a divider and starts putting her things on the belt.  So, not only did she not give me enough room to put all my things on the belt, she also pushed her way up into the ais...

I Fell Hard

It was an interesting weekend.  On Saturday, Baby Girl went to her last music class.  She had more fun than she has ever had before.  She was singing and dancing the whole time and seemed to really enjoy the class.  I'm kind of glad it's over, though, because I really enjoy our lazy Saturdays together. After her class, we picked up my Grandmother and headed to a family picnic (Daddy had to work).  I don't usually go to these things but I figured why not.  I hadn't seen some of the family members in quite a few years so we went.  It was fun.  Baby Girl ran around like a wild child as usual.  Her Nan even at her on the ledge of the pool and let her splash and she got soaked!  It was funny because when my Mom tried to take her in her pool at home, Baby Girl screamed her head off. It was HOT (see those bright red cheeks for proof) but it was still fun!  Baby Girl was wiped out by the time we left and she fell asleep on the rid...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl, I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well again this morning.  I think we are going to have another bad teething weekend.  I'm also sorry that I left you at daycare while you were crying your little eyes out.  I had to go to work.  Don't worry, though, soon enough we won't have to do that anymore. Dear Baby #2, did you have a growth spurt in there or what?  All of the sudden my belly looks like it's doubled in size.  You need to chill a little buddy.  I have 10 more weeks to go.  I already feel like I've reached hippo status, let's not push it to elephant status. Dear Kimye, I really hope that TMZ has made a horrible mistake.  North West?  You have to be kidding me?  As if I didn't already despise you enough, this makes me want to punch both of you in the face even more.  Dear Facebook Gamers, I'm not trying to be mean but I have a full time job, an 18 month old, 3 dogs, a husba...

29 Week Bumpdate

The heart rate today was 160 and all is well. Little Man is still kicking away all the time!  He sleeps until late morning and then he's all over the place for the rest of the day.  It's fun but it's also uncomfortable sometimes. When I weighed myself on Sunday, which is when I usually do it to update my pregnancy app, I was only up 15lbs.  As of today, though, I am up 17lbs.  I feel like I am growing at warp speed but the doctor assures me that I am measuring just fine.  I do feel like some of the shirts I wore two weeks ago shouldn't be worn anymore though!  The bump is growing! I have noticed that I have been waking up with swollen ankles every morning despite sleeping with them elevated.  I know this has a lot to do with the weight gain since I had such a problem with it last time.  Other than that, the normal heartburn and backaches come and go and I'm crazy tired but I don't really have any other issues.  I don't ever ...

3D Ultrasound

Sunday we went back to Womb With A View for our 3D ultrasound rescan.  We had gone two weeks ago but we couldn't get any good pictures of Little Man.  He was holding the umbilical cord in front of his face the whole time.  So aside from the gender confirmation, we had nothing. Sunday was much better! At first, he had the umbilical cord again.  He was actually chewing on it or sucking on it and it was literally covering his entire face.  The ultrasound tech had me lay on my side, which pushed the cord out of his hands and we got clear shots. A sweet little smile   Sucking on his thumb!   This makes me even more impatient to meet this little man!  He smiled quite a few times throughout the scan this time.  Even the ultrasound tech said he was a sweet baby with a lot of personality!   This is the best I could as far as comparison shots between Baby Girl and Little Man. Baby Girl 9/2011   ...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Sunday's ultrasound makes me want to meet the Little Man now! I'm starting to feel like a whale so that makes me want this pregnancy over now too. Baby Girl had a fever and was miserable all weekend but was perfectly fine Monday morning for daycare.  I'm really getting tired of all the spam comments I keep getting. I can't stand some of the people I work with anymore and I just want to be done! I'm getting excited because I think an end date is finally in sight (mid-July). Baby Girl's daycare is closed the 4th and 5th of July.  Um...really? My Mom tried taking Baby Girl in their pool this week and she screamed her head off.  We are thinking the water was too cold. I suck at making rice crispy treats.  They never seem to settle the way they are supposed to. I finally jumped on the Instagram train.  Follow me vmiller0918.

18 Month Check Up

This past Friday was Ashlyn's 18 month check.  I can't believe that this little girl is a year and a half old already.  Aside from a slight fever (which turned into a nightmare of a weekend ), the doctor says she is perfect!  She couldn't get her shots because she had a fever so we go back in two weeks for those. Doctor's Stats: Weight: 25lbs 11oz (75th %) Height: 32.125 inches (75th %) Head: Off the charts again The basics? Diapers - still wearing a size 4 but starting to think about pull ups and size 5 Clothing - All 18 month and 24 month Food - She has become a little more picky and is going through a Spaghetti O's phase Sleeping - Goes to bed between 9 and 10, wakes up between 7 and 8 Daycare - still there :( Camera roll - 2562 pictures,  261 downloads Teeth - 12 teeth total, another one pushing through Words - Too many words to list! Favorite cartoons - Mickey Mouse Club House Favorite toy - Anything she can play with outside Pict...

I Hate Teeth

It was one hell of a weekend....literally. Friday was Baby Girl's 18 month check up.  She did well except for a fever of 101.  I'll post more on her check up later.  But that 101 fever which I attributed to teething turned into a nightmare over the weekend.  The kid was a mess! After her check up, we decided to go out for dinner.  She seemed to be in a decent mood despite the fever so we thought we would be OK. She was fine at first but she started getting cranky by the time the appetizer came and it only got worse! She didn't want to eat any food.  We stopped ordering meals for her when we go out to dinner because she doesn't eat.  She usually just picks from our plate.  Well she was munching on a piece of broccoli when it got stuck in her throat and she started coughing.  Too bad the coughing led to throwing up. All over Daddy. Ew. She was done.  She wanted to go.  She was clearly not feeling well at that ...

Happy Father's Day

I hope that all the Fathers out there had a great Father's Day.   I spent about half the day with my Dad on Father's Day.  I got him a new rain suit for his motorcycle and Ashlyn got him a Home Depot gift card.   I don't think my Dad is the typical Dad.  He was the drummer/singer in many bands throughout my childhood.  He wore spandex and makeup.  I don't know him to have anything other than long, curly hair, which is where Ashlyn gets it from.   He tried to get me into sports (mostly hockey), which worked until I was about 14 and realized boys were more important.  I was his tool helper so I held the flashlight and handed him the tools he needed while he worked on the cars or the house.   We watched wrestling and then wrestled on the living room floor.  He was rough with me because he didn't have a boy to be rough with.  I was a tough kid so it was fun for me.  I didn't realize it growing up, but he was the 'n...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl, in just a few short weeks, you won't have to go to daycare anymore so you won't have to try to hide from me when we leave in the mornings.  Oh and I'm sorry in advance for the doctor's appointment you have tonight.  It's your 18 month check up so I'm sure shots are involved.  And you singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider.....Adorable!   Dear Baby #2, we get to see you again on Sunday, Little Man, and I can't wait.  Do you think that maybe you can cooperate this time, though?  I'd really like to get a good look at that adorable little face.  I'm hoping that you look a little more like me than your sister does. Dear Mom, thanks for taking on my baby shower.  I really appreciate it.  I'm getting excited about it now that it's only a month away! Dear Cracker Barrel, I can't resist your chocolate coca cola cake.  Especially since the only craving I really have is for chocolate.  It's just ridiculou...

Milk Makers

So my husband and I went to Cracker Barrel for dinner last night.  I love going there for the Coca Cola Chocolate cake they have.  It's amazing.  Anyway, we were almost done eating, working on the cake, when a family came in and sat down at a table near us.  It was what looked like a husband and wife with their two daughters and an older man who could have been the guy's Dad. The one daughter looked to be about 3 and the other one was probably 8 months old.  They were a little odd to begin with, asking to sit at a table where they could see their car.  Not sure what that was about but whatever.  They were also walking around a lot.  They didn't seem to want to sit still long enough to even order any food so who knows what was going on there. As I'm sitting there enjoying my cake, I realized the woman was breastfeeding the younger daughter.  No big deal except she wasn't being discreet about it at all.  I mean she literally was j...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I'm excited to be going to the doctor every two weeks now because it feels like the weeks will just fly by and Little Man will be here before I know it! We found my replacement at work and now I can't wait to get the hell out of there!  I had to turn on my approval for comments because I was getting too many spam comments. Baby Girl woke up at 12am screaming for me and I have no idea why.  I don't know if it was a nightmare or teething or what but it was crazy.  I didn't get much sleep because Baby Girl slept in bed with me (not a common occurrence). My Mom got the invites for my baby shower and now I'm really excited about it! Potty training lasted all of one day.  Now we are focused on getting rid of the paci. Even though my husband got his Father's Day gift from me already, he still has one from Baby Girl and one from Little Man. My Mom stole my Father's Day gift idea for my Dad and now I have to c...

Weekend Re-Cap

I didn't post to my normal link up Friday because I took the day off.  So instead, I'm re-capping my weekend.  It was a busy one. I took off Friday to go to a funeral. This lady... ...yea she was ridiculously awesome.   We were so surprised by her passing since was just 74 years old.  She was a part of our extended family.  Well she was a part of every one's extended family!  She was an amazing woman who smiled and laughed so much.  She loved and she loved hard.      Miss Betty is her name and she will be fiercely missed by all.   We took Baby Girl to daycare since we knew she wouldn't understand anything going on at the funeral.  My husband didn't have much work to do because it rained all day long so we went out for lunch and ran some errands.   Saturday was a nice day.  My husband had to work but Baby Girl and I slept in and then went to a picnic in the afternoon.  The girl loves ...