Dear Baby Girl, I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well again this morning. I think we are going to have another bad teething weekend. I'm also sorry that I left you at daycare while you were crying your little eyes out. I had to go to work. Don't worry, though, soon enough we won't have to do that anymore.
Dear Baby #2, did you have a growth spurt in there or what? All of the sudden my belly looks like it's doubled in size. You need to chill a little buddy. I have 10 more weeks to go. I already feel like I've reached hippo status, let's not push it to elephant status.
Dear Kimye, I really hope that TMZ has made a horrible mistake. North West? You have to be kidding me? As if I didn't already despise you enough, this makes me want to punch both of you in the face even more.
Dear Facebook Gamers, I'm not trying to be mean but I have a full time job, an 18 month old, 3 dogs, a husband, a house and a baby on the way. I don't have time to play stupid games on Facebook so stop inviting me! Except for SongPop. That is my only exception.
Dear Facebook Gamers, I'm not trying to be mean but I have a full time job, an 18 month old, 3 dogs, a husband, a house and a baby on the way. I don't have time to play stupid games on Facebook so stop inviting me! Except for SongPop. That is my only exception.
Dear work, an end is in sight and I am more than excited.
Dear guy who told me I looked like I was ready to POP, Google 'what not to say to a pregnant woman' and that will probably be top five. I know my belly grew significantly but ready to pop? I'm not so sure about that. Jerk.
Dear readers, Have a good weekend!
Oh, I've totally been out of the Kim K loop. I didn't even realize she had her baby. Now I'm off to investigate...embarrassingly.