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Showing posts from January, 2014

Another Baby?

No I'm not pregnant. But I want to be. I have a five month old (who doesn't sleep through the night) and I want another baby. Already. Is that weird? I can't describe this overwhelming feeling I have. This strong desire to have another baby. It's foreign to me.  I only ever wanted two kids. A girl and a boy. That's what I wanted. That's what I got. So why do I want more? I just can't explain it. The kicks in my belly. The growth of a little human. The baby belly. The excitement of delivery.  I want another baby in my belly. I need to have another baby. It seriously makes me cry to think that I might be done with kids because I don't want to be.  It makes me cry to think of myself pregnant because I want that so badly. I have had two very difficult pregnancies and two very difficult deliveries.  My daughter was induced two weeks early because of pre-eclampsia.  I was in labor for 22 hours.  I pushed for 2 hours just to get her ...

Exciting Things Happening

I haven't really shared much about our house plans lately for many reasons.  It seemed like every time we made plans to moved and talked about those plans, they always fell through.  We had many different options in the house department and nothing seemed to be working out. So when this option came about, we kept it to ourselves.  We didn't even share the information with family until we were somewhat sure of what was going to happen.  We were trying not to get our hopes up in case this fell through too. No falling through this time.  We are moving!!!  Currently, we live in a very small home that has maybe 1000 square feet of living space.  We only have two bedrooms so our little guy bunks with us.  We outgrew our house a long time ago and we are so excited to be moving.  We don't even have enough furniture to fill our new house be we don't care.  We are just so excited. The house in only about 20 minutes from where we live ...

So What Wednesday

I'm going to follow the new SWW format so here goes.... So what if my five month old still sleeps like a newborn.  A legit newborn.  Awake every 2-3 hours, 4 if I'm lucky. His middle of the night feedings are the only time he lays his cute little head on my shoulder to cuddle and sleep.  So even though it's a giant pain in my ass to get up and feed the chunk every few hours, I soak up the cuddle time every single night because #1 he doesn't cuddle any other time #2 he won't be little forever and some day very soon I will miss those middle of the night cuddles.

Mommy Wars

I wrote a post a long time ago about Mommy Wars .  Ashlyn was only five months old when I wrote that post so I was still considered a new mom.  I still stand by all of the things I wrote in that post and all of the decisions I made with my daughter.  I have been following a lot of different people on Instagram lately and that is what has brought me to post this.  While I decided to stay away from the whole Mommy Wars thing, apparently not everyone has.  I am seeing more and more things geared towards Mommy Wars and it really angers me. The other day someone posted something about how ignorant people are because they don't know anything about cloth diapering.  I mean really?  I always thought cloth diapering was kind of gross.  Now I'm starting to consider it.  That doesn't make me ignorant it just makes me mis-informed.  I never thought I'd want to cloth diaper but things change.  We are working on one income now and are tryin...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... Baby Girl has been completely paci free for a week now.  I can't believe the habit was that easy to break.  I get sad whenever I watch the part in Toy Story 3 when the toys fall off the truck in the rain.  I don't know why it makes me so sad. I also get sad whenever I watch Up! I've been watching Tree House Masters and now I kind of want a tree house....for myself. We remodeled our living room like three years ago and never hung our photos back on the walls.  They have been completely bare.  I still haven't made Ashlyn's second year book or our family photo books.  I usually give them as gifts for Christmas. I LOVE that every time I have something in my hands (remote, phone, etc) my little chunk baby tries to steal it.  He pulls my arms towards him until he gets it.  Always makes me laugh. Someone recently told me that I should be drunk all of the time becau...

Happy Birthday Cameron!

12 years ago today, I got a phone call at work that my sister was being taken into surgery for an emergency C-section.  Her umbilical cord was not functioning properly and her baby wasn't getting enough nutrients.  The baby was extremely underweight and was just not surviving well inside the womb.  They had given her the shots for the lungs and decided it was time. I rushed to the hospital with my then boyfriend (now husband) but there wasn't anything I could do. My Mom was with my sister for the surgery so we went back to my parents house to wait.  Up until this point, we had thought the baby was a girl so we were expecting little miss Kayla Cheyenne to be born at any time. Turns out, little miss Kayla was actually a boy!  What a surprise!  Want to know another surprise?  My sister was only 26 weeks pregnant when her son was born.  He weighed in at a whopping 1lb 12.9oz and 13 inches long.  He was such a little peanut....

Random Life Stuff

~ I'm really working my ass off on the weight loss efforts.  I enter all of my food into my calorie tracker ( Lose It ) and I enter my exercise in there every day as well.  I have my own little 30 day program that includes crunches, squats, lunges and a bunch of other exercises.  I will also start adding some cardio to that this week.  Maybe something simple like my Just Dance games that I never use.  I am usually obsessed with the scale and weigh myself on almost a daily basis.  I know it's not good but I can't help it.  I ignored the scale last week and only weighed myself on my one designated day and I lost almost 2lbs so it's working so far.  I took my measurements last week and will take them again monthly until I reach my goal, which, according to Lose It, is May. ~ I'm really hoping to have some good news to share with you all in regards to the home situation.  We keep getting more and more positive news and we are hoping it s...

So What Wednesday, The Hashtag Edition

This week, I'm saying So What if... It took Baby Girl 45 minutes to fall asleep last night.  She did it paci free for the first time.  Here's hoping the habit is just that easy to break.  #dampacineedstogo I can't keep Baby Girl from chasing the pugs around the house and ramming them with things like her baby stroller.  #poordogs Our social calendar is explosive for the next few weeks.  Dinner here, lunch there.  Birthday party here, play date there.  It's total chaos.  #toomuchshitgoingon I keep double booking us because of said social calendar.  Mama's having a hard time keeping track of everything!  #mommysbrainisfried My nephew turns 12 tomorrow.  12.  I still remember the first time I held that little peanut and now he's 12.  #toobigtoofast I think my nephew's birthday warrants a look at his birth story.  It's pretty dramatic so watch for it tomorrow.  #onepoundtwelveo...

Random Baby Stuff

~ My husband came to me the other day and asked about cloth diapers.  He said a friend of his told him that she saved a ton of money by using cloth diapers.  We had never really discussed it before so I was surprised by his question but now that I am a SAHM it is definitely a good thing to look into. So, ladies, tell me about cloth diapering.  How does it work?  Do they really just go potty in the diaper or are there inserts you buy?  How do you keep them clean?  I mean, let's face it, poop can stain and his friend told him we need to have a washing machine with the middle agitator if we want to keep them clean.  Not buying a new washing machine for this! What brands are best and cheapest?  I know Target sells a starter pack for like $80.00.  Is that something I should look into?  How much money does cloth diapering actually save?  How do I size these things?  I'd only be buying for the little guy since we are potty tr...

I Have a Two Year Old

I started this post a month ago and it has taken me this long to get it done!   My (not so) little two year old is just as perfect today as she was the day she was born! Doctor's Stats: Weight:  28lbs 8oz (75th %) Height:  34.5 inches (75th %) Head: 20 inches (97th % - still on the charts!) The basics? Diapers - Size 5 but hoping that potty training will take off soon! Clothing - 3T tops and 2T bottoms, although the bottoms are a bit big on her Food - Typical toddler has become more picky...loves mac and cheese, spaghetti O's, broccoli and carrots Sleeping - Sleeping 9-11 hours each night, rare 1 hour naps mid-day Daycare - NO MORE! Teeth - All but two molars which are cutting now Words - She speaks in complete sentences Favorite cartoons - Mickey Mouse Club House, Doc McStuffins Favorite toy - Her new kitchen, klip klop princess castle, Little People farm I don't know where this kid gets her attitude from (yes she get...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl,  your newest habit of chasing and hitting the dogs is not ok.  You have been so bad with this lately and we don't know how to stop you.  The poor puppies don't want you to hit them!    Dear Little Man,  I can't believe how you have been gobbling up your cereal and fruits.  You took to cereal so well and you love it!  It's really been helping a lot with your spitting up.  And since your second tooth cut, you have been the happiest little baby ever!  I am in LOVE with you smiles and laughs buddy.  Now let's get back to your 5-6 hour sleeping schedule at night.   Dear AHS, you surprise me more and more every week.  You are getting so good and I can't wait to see what happens next.  Who's the next supreme?  My guess is Zoe. Dear Parenthood, you are also getting better and better every week.  You did not make me cry last night, though.  First time all season....

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... Operation Lose Weight 2014 has commenced and I already have a cheat day scheduled.  It's today and it's because we are having dinner with friends tonight. I posted a 2013 year in review but did not post the recent updates for my kids.  I'm working on them, just need to add some pictures. The weather here is so crappy lately.  Warm, cold, warm, cold.  All of the snow we got is gone but then we are supposed to be covered in ice.  Make up your mind! Most of Little Man's Christmas toys are in a closet or stored under his crib.  We don't really have the room for them and he isn't big enough for them yet anyway. I was able to organize the house enough to get all of Ashlyn's Christmas toys in order.  Sure it looks like a Toys R Us warehouse but it's working for now. I haven't unpacked the new pots and pans that I got for Christmas yet.  They are still in the box in our living ro...

Four Months

The basics? Little Man was 16lbs 4oz (90th %) and 25.75 (90th %) inches long at his appointment.  He is still in size 2 diapers but they are getting small on him so we may be moving to size three pretty soon.  He is wearing mostly size 6 month clothing and even some 9 month stuff.  He is just growing so quickly!  Around Thanksgiving, my little guy started throwing up a bit more after eating.  It wasn't the normal spitting up, it was much more.  He didn't seem to be in pain so I didn't think it was reflux or anything like that.  He was still happy as usual even after numerous outfit changes.  I thought that maybe he needed soy formula like his big sister but I was wrong. I tried giving him soy, just mixing 50/50 of the soy and the regular and let me tell you, it was a rough day.  He was clearly in pain.  He was restless all day, clingy and writhing around like he was having gas pains....

I Don't Do Resolutions

I have never been a resolutions kind of person.  I have always hated the thought of making goals for myself that I pretty much knew I wouldn't achieve and would just add to a new list the next year.  Morbid, I know, but honest.  This year, I am setting some goals for myself because I want to make changes.  In my life.  In my kids' lives.  I my husband's life.  I need changes to be made.  So here we go.  My New Year's resolutions.  My 2014 goals. Lose weight - yes, it's the typical resolution but it's a good one.  It's one I need to have.  It's one I need to achieve.  I don't want to carry around this extra weight anymore.  I want to be healthy.  I don't want to diet, I want to make lifestyle changes.  It has to happen now.  Plus, if I want to get pregnant with another baby this year, I'd like to be healthy. Drink less - less soda, less alcohol, less anything but water.  I drink way too mu...

2013 Year In Review

January - this was when we announced that Baby #2 was on the way!  We were so excited to share the news and couldn't wait any longer.  February - nothing major happened this month but we did get to see our little man for the first time.  Of course we didn't know he was a little man yet but we were so happy to see him!  We also tried to have a nice Valentine's Day dinner out with our daughter but that didn't work out too well.   March - we had tubes put in Baby Girl's ears this month in hopes that the ear infections would stop.  The tubes have done their job and she hasn't had an ear infection since!  Baby Girl also turned 15 months old this month and had another perfect check up! April - we found out that little man was in fact a little man this month!  This was also the month we decided it was time for me to be a SAHM.  We also decided on our little guy's name and Ashlyn got her first hair cut!   ...