No I'm not pregnant. But I want to be. I have a five month old (who doesn't sleep through the night) and I want another baby. Already. Is that weird? I can't describe this overwhelming feeling I have. This strong desire to have another baby. It's foreign to me. I only ever wanted two kids. A girl and a boy. That's what I wanted. That's what I got. So why do I want more? I just can't explain it. The kicks in my belly. The growth of a little human. The baby belly. The excitement of delivery. I want another baby in my belly. I need to have another baby. It seriously makes me cry to think that I might be done with kids because I don't want to be. It makes me cry to think of myself pregnant because I want that so badly. I have had two very difficult pregnancies and two very difficult deliveries. My daughter was induced two weeks early because of pre-eclampsia. I was in labor for 22 hours. I pushed for 2 hours just to get her ...