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Four Months

The basics?

Little Man was 16lbs 4oz (90th %) and 25.75 (90th %) inches long at his appointment.  He is still in size 2 diapers but they are getting small on him so we may be moving to size three pretty soon.  He is wearing mostly size 6 month clothing and even some 9 month stuff.  He is just growing so quickly! 

Around Thanksgiving, my little guy started throwing up a bit more after eating.  It wasn't the normal spitting up, it was much more.  He didn't seem to be in pain so I didn't think it was reflux or anything like that.  He was still happy as usual even after numerous outfit changes.  I thought that maybe he needed soy formula like his big sister but I was wrong.

I tried giving him soy, just mixing 50/50 of the soy and the regular and let me tell you, it was a rough day.  He was clearly in pain.  He was restless all day, clingy and writhing around like he was having gas pains.  I immediately stopped the soy and he was fine.  I'll take the throwing up over that painful gassiness any day.

The doctor said that he may have had a bad reaction to the soy so it was good that I stopped it right away.  Since we are starting cereal with him, it may help with the throwing up so we'll see.  He is eating 4-6 ounces every 2-3 hours.  It just depends on him.

He has been sleeping much better and I am so thankful for that.  While we do have some bad nights when he is awake every three hours, he mostly sleeps anywhere between 5 and 8 hours a night.  I've only had 2 nights of 8 hours straight but 5 hours is better than 3.  When he does wake, he usually takes his bottle and goes right back to sleep so we don't have to much of a problem.

He is usually awake for 1.5 - 2 hours at a time during the day and then will take a 30-60 minute nap.  He is always playing when he's awake so sometimes he falls asleep sooner.  I always try to put him in his crib for his naps and he sleeps in his crib at night as well.  I was concerned about crib training because he really seemed to hate the crib but one night I put him in there and never looked back.  With how hard my previous tries were, I was surprised by how easy it was.

One thing he likes is to fall asleep with a blanket against his face.  I know, you're not supposed to let babies sleep with blankets.  I do it.  I always let Ashlyn have a blanket to sleep and I will continue to allow Bryan to sleep with a blanket.  He has one fluffy blanket that he just loves to have against his face and it really does help him fall asleep.  I always move the blanket away once he's asleep.

He usually falls asleep with his paci but then spits it out after a few minutes.  Sometimes he wakes up and wants it but he usually puts himself back to sleep without it.  If he can't, I just give it back to him and he falls back to sleep.  I really thought it would take much longer to get him to sleep better so I'm glad he's doing well.

A naked boy is always a happy boy.  He doesn't play in his baths yet but it's obvious that he likes to get a bath.  He holds his head up with no problems and is starting to sit up pretty well.  He is starting to roll around now and has rolled over from his back to his belly.  He wiggles a lot now and I can never keep him on his play mat. 

This kids laughs a lot.  I love it.  He has such an awesome belly laugh and I can't help but laugh at him when he laughs.  And he's almost always smiling!  As soon as he sees my face he starts to smile.  I love it so much.  He makes the funniest noises sometimes.  He just yells and kicks and has a great time.

He's grabbing more and more.  He's sticking everything in his mouth.  He has been drooling so much lately and we thought he was teething but the doctor didn't see any puffy gums.  Guess the doctor was wrong because the little guy just cut his first tooth.  Four months old and he has a tooth.

Pictures of my sweet Little Boy:

If you follow me on Instagram (vmiller0918) you may have seen some of these already.

Little Dude, your smile melts me.  You smile so big I think your cheeks are going to explode!  You have your grouchy days but for the most part you are just so happy and you just smile and laugh and play all day long.  It's so nice to see you so happy!

You sit up so well.  I am ready to put the bouncer together for you because you love to stand and you love to kick.  I think you hold your head up well enough to bounce now.

 You love your sister.  You watch her non-stop.  You always want to know what she is doing.  She has been such a good big sister so it's no wonder.  I think you two are going to be great friends.  She can't wait for you to get a little bigger so she can play with you.  Mommy, on the other hand, wants to keep you little forever!
You like to be held but you don't really like to cuddle much anymore.  You do love Mommy's kisses though and I give them to you all the time!  I love kissing those chubby cheeks!

My BEAUTIFUL 4 month old Little Guy:

Stay tuned for a comparison post.


  1. Great update. Our little man spits up a lot too and I"m really looking forward to getting some oatmeal in him soon to help keep it down.

    Your guy is definitely a happy bean. Love it!

  2. Ugh, I've dealt with the gassy thing. When Dylan was around 2 months he would grunt, hold his breath and try to pass gas. He was miserable and it wasn't until around 6 months that he really knew how to fart. Now he's unstoppable and can clear a room any time any place. I didn't know babies had to "learn" how to do that, but apparently he did. You're doing everything right, you're a great mom. And he is one happy baby! #teethinglikeaboss


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