Dear Baby Girl, you are hot and cold girl. You drove me nuts all day today with your sassy little attitude and then you were the SWEETEST little thing at bed time. Your goods outweigh your bads every single day and that's all that matters sweet girl. Ps. you have been GREAT with your brother lately. Keep it up!
Dear Little Man, dude, you are growing way too quickly for my liking. You are only four months old and you already have your first tooth and I'm pretty sure you're cutting your second. Slow down little man. Keep up the smiles and laughs. I can't get enough of those.
Dear 2014, I will set goals for you and I will achieve all of those goals. No more crap. (watch for my non-resolution post soon)
Dear 2014, I will set goals for you and I will achieve all of those goals. No more crap. (watch for my non-resolution post soon)
Dear iPhone, I'm really just not impressed. I thought that I really liked you but the longer I have your, the more little irritations I find with you. I guess I'm stuck with you for two years, though, so let's work this shit out, mmmK?
Dear Grey's, I miss you. I am dying to know what is going to happen next! The whole April/Jackson thing was a great twist and now I can't wait for you to return.
Dear Grey's, I miss you. I am dying to know what is going to happen next! The whole April/Jackson thing was a great twist and now I can't wait for you to return.
Dear blog of mine, I'm sorry I've been such a slacker lately. The holidays and the two kids and the messy house and the husband constantly working because of all these snow storms has really kicked my ass. I'm hoping to get back on schedule soon.
Dear readers, Have a good weekend!
2013 was a big year for your family! It was a great one :] I just got the iphone for Christmas and I pretty much love it. It's weird going from android to iphone because there are certain things I love being able to do on android that I cant seem to do on my iphone. However, I highly recommend you download "Quiz Up," it's a fun game that you and I should play lol and if you have any iphone questions, ask me! I have been working off macs since I was 7 and would love to help!