Tell us about your social media! Where can we find you? Link to your twitter, pinterest, Facebook, instagram, or google +. If you don't use those sites, then tell us why not!
Also, what are your favorite websites? Are there any
that you check daily? What do you like about them?
I don't use instagram but that's only becuase I thought it was an Apple App only. Now that I know it's for Android too, I may actually start using it! I pretty much live off of my Facebook account. I have a personal facebook which is completely private and I also have a page linked to my blog. You can like that here: Facebook.
I use Twitter but not very often. I usually forget that I even have Twitter so I will go weeks without posting a comment on there. Then I will go days when I blow it up! My handle is @vmiller0918.
I do have many Pinterest boards. I love Pinterest. I don't go on it nearly as much as I used to but I still love it. I have tried quite a few of the receipes I pinned and I have even attempted a few of the projects! Find me here: Pinterest.
I also have a shared site via The Bump, which I started when I got pregnant. While I haven't updated it in quite a while, feel free to take a look here: Baby Miller 122011 @ The Bump.
I also have a private Shutterfly page. I do update this one on a regular basis. I love Shutterfly and I have been buying a lot from them lately. If you have an account, request me here: Shutterfly.
I also have a Google Reader and Google+ account but I don't really use them often. I haven't really had the time to get to know them as soical media outlets.
As far as daily sites go, I don't really have any. I check the standard Email and Facebook and I read as many of my blogger updates as I possibly can but I honestly don't really check many other sites on a dialy basis. My homepage is set to Yahoo so obviously I visit that every day and read some news stories but that's about it.
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