Linking up with Justchalkintherain via Lifeafteridew for Is That Normal?! I think this will be fun!
1. Is it normal to lie about your age?
1. Is it normal to lie about your age?
I don't think I have ever lied about my age but the older I get, the more sensitive I feel myself getting about it so maybe I will eventually. It's definitely normal to avoid the question!
2. Is it normal to have mistaken someone for the opposite sex?
2. Is it normal to have mistaken someone for the opposite sex?
Have I done it? Sure. Is it normal? No. And I always feel really bad if I do it. What if someone mistook me for a man? Not sure it's really possible but you never know.
3. Is it normal to go #2 in a public restroom?
3. Is it normal to go #2 in a public restroom?
I have a serious issue with going #2 in a public restroom. I just can't do it. I will wait as long as I possibly can even if it feels like my guts are going to spill out onto the floor. I just need the privacy of my own home. My husband, not an issue for him.
4. Is it normal to sit RIGHT NEXT TO a stranger at the movie theater?
No. I need to have at least one seat between myself and a stranger. I will do just about anything to make that happen.
5. Is it normal to lie about your weight?
4. Is it normal to sit RIGHT NEXT TO a stranger at the movie theater?
No. I need to have at least one seat between myself and a stranger. I will do just about anything to make that happen.
5. Is it normal to lie about your weight?
Of course! This is just one of those questions that should be avoided at all costs anyway.
6. Is it normal to sing and dance in the car?
6. Is it normal to sing and dance in the car?
I have a car song. It's Hey Ya by OutKast. Whenever it comes one, I can't help but throw my hand up, bobble my head and start bouncing up and down singing Hey Ya! Yes, I do this when I'm not in the car too.
7. Is it normal to take self-pictures in public?
7. Is it normal to take self-pictures in public?
I get kind of embarrassed to take any pictures in public anymore, which is funny since everyone does it! But I think it's totally normal.
8. Is it normal for women to have a gun license?
8. Is it normal for women to have a gun license?
Sure. My husband has a license to carry and he would like for me to get one. I just think he's afraid of me actually carrying a gun.
9. Is it normal to post pictures online of yourself in a bikini?
9. Is it normal to post pictures online of yourself in a bikini?
Not something I do but that doesn't mean anything. If you're comfortable with it, go for it.
10. Is it normal to like the smell of gasoline?
10. Is it normal to like the smell of gasoline?
I think so. I think it's one of those smells that you know isn't really good for you but you just can't help but sniff it in.
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