I'm not sure I should even dare to attempt a Summer bucket list but I keep seeing everyone else post one and now I want one. It's really hard to do anything worthwhile when you have a full time job, a husband with an exploding business, lots of animals and a 6 month old at home. But, I'm going to write this bucket list and I am going to do my best to actually get a few things crossed off of it this summer!
Do you have a Summer Bucket List?
- Go for more walks - We live 5 minutes away from a beautiful museum and park and it's so nice to take walks there. Plus, post baby belly that should be gone by now could really use the exercise.
- Spend more time with friends - I'm thinking Ashlyn and Maya will be spending a lot of time outside in the baby pool this summer.
- Cook at home more - We are always on the go which is BAD for our diet.
- Eat out on our deck more - Which will be challenging since we just gave my parents our bistro set.
- Spend more time with the animals - Our poor puppies have SO not gotten the attention they need since Baby Girl has come along. This hit me hard when our cat died on Father's Day. Wish I would have pet her a little more, played with her a little more.
- Organize all of my recipes - Especially now that I am addicted to Pinterest and try at least one new recipe each week.
- Have a party - And actually have people attend. We used to have parties all of the time! We still have our beer pong table and our shot glass dart game!
- Get pregnant - I'm adding this to my list in case my husband changes his mind about waiting until December (ish) to start trying again. Ya never know!
- Clean and organize the garage - I don't really touch the garage so this one is for my husband.
- Read more - I have been in the habit of starting books but not finishing them. I also keep saying I want to read the book before I see the movie so how about I get that done.
- Visit the Zoo or Aquarium - I have never been to either (that I can remember) and I think Baby Girl would love it!
- Cut my hair - I want to donate it to Locks of Love. It's really long so I think I could donate a lot. Plus, I could use something fresh in my life right now.
- Organize my Husband's office - The place is a mess! It needs to be thoroughly cleaned.
- Watch the Summer Olympics - Well, watch whatever sports actually interest me. GO USA!
- Go away for the weekend - With or without Baby Girl. I have to cut the strings at some point so I'm going to try to make this a without Baby Girl weekend.
- Relax - No explanation need. :)
- Get another tattoo - This one is going to be tough since my husband hates tattoos. Not sure I will ever get this one checked off my list!
It's for a good cause!
Do you have a Summer Bucket List?
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