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Showing posts from April, 2013


When my husband and I agreed to name our beautiful daughter Ashlyn, we knew that the name would come with some pronunciation problems.  We knew people would call her Ashley or Ashland instead of Ashlyn.  And even though I clearly pronounce her name AshlyN (yes, I say N very loudly at the end so people get it), people still get it wrong. And it pisses me off. I can't help it.  It's just like when people spell my husband's name Brian instead of Bryan.  And I'm going to have the same issue with Baby Boy since he is going to be a Bryan too.  It's always been a big pet peeve of mine.  I always try to make sure I pronounce names correctly and I will even ask if I'm saying it correctly because I don't want to be the douche bag saying it incorrectly. It's seems that lately, more and more people are calling my daughter Ashley or some other weird names instead of Ashlyn.  There's one guy at church who always calls her Ashley and I don't have the heart ...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl, so we realized last night that you now know all of your ABC's.  You sing that song like it's going out of style.  You even sing the last two added lines.  Cutest.Thing.Ever.  You know what's not so cute?  The diarrhea you've had for the last week.  Let's get over that OK?   Dear Baby #2,  dude..chill with the appetite.  You obviously like cupcakes but did you really need to convince Mommy to make two dozen?  You've started adding some pounds now and you've got me all worried about my weight.  Yes, I know 6lbs at 22 weeks isn't anything to go crazy over but with the appetite you have, I'm afraid you'll have me doubling that by my next appointment! Dear Aunt Deb, thanks for watching Baby Girl today for me.  I'd much rather she have her nasty blowouts at home than at daycare.  Besides, we don't need her giving other kids this illness, if that's what it is. Dear dayc...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I stayed home from work yesterday with Baby Girl because she was sick.  By dinner time she was back to her normal little self. My day off kept me from reading all my blogs and now I feel way far behind.  Can't wait to get all caught up! I had no luck with the potty training of Baby Girl so far.  She has already figured out that she can just touch the sensors on the potty to make it sing. Buying a car seat cover was almost as expensive as buying  new car seat!  Oh well, at least all of Baby Boy's stuff will match. Baby Girl had one of the most bipolar days every on Sunday. I miss alcohol this pregnancy.  A testy toddler may have something to do with that. Wall-E is the only animated movie Baby Girl really likes so far.  It's a good thing I think it's cute otherwise I'd go crazy having it on repeat all day! I posted a job ad for my own job.  I can't wait to hire my replacement! Baby Girl has star...

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl, your little tantrums have been getting worse and worse and you are hitting again!  I can't say it's not cute when you fold your little arms and stomp off when you're mad but we have to end this.  It's not going to be cute forever!  I know it's going to be a big year for you with potty training and staying at home with Mommy and getting a little brother and moving.  Mommy is very worried about how you are going to react to all of these changes but you seem to adapt well so here's hoping.   Dear Baby #2, ah little man.  Mommy has been ordering things for you like crazy!  While you may not get a new car seat or baby swing, you will get new covers so that you don't have to sit on pink and brown seats!  Oh and your registry is done too.  We are half way there little man! Dear Etsy, I love you.  I found a new car seat cover, swing cover and high chair cover for Baby Boy so now we don't have to buy new things fo...

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is right around the corner.  I posted a few gift items that I liked last year (Mothers Day) and you know what?  My husband didn't take a single suggestion.  He bought me a necklace that we wound up returning and exchanging for something more my style.  Let's hope he takes my suggestions this year!  I know it's supposed to be the thought that counts but that's really not the case when it comes to jewelry now is it?   The first thing on my list this year is an Origami Owl necklace.  I love these things and I am planning to get my Mom one as well.  I already have all of the little gems picked out.  I was planning to just give the list to my husband to let him buy it.  Is that weird?   If you notice, I am including a charm for our new little boy.  I guessing he will be born in August.  I know this is awfully presumptuous of me but I can't help but think he will arrive early like his sister...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Baby Girl walks outside every morning and yells at the dog across the street. I bought a few pieces of clothing for Baby Boy and holy crap they are so tiny and cute!  I can't remember Baby Girl being that small! I have the registry for Baby Boy pretty much done.  I know that I will probably add to it and take away from it until July, but at least it's done. Speaking of July, my Mom is already planning the baby shower for Baby Boy.  Well she has a date picked anyway. I don't want to buy a new car seat, high chair, swing or pack and play for Baby Boy.  The ones that we got for Baby Girl are in perfect shape.  Why should I buy new ones?  Anyone know where I can get good covers for these things?  I can't sew so making them myself isn't an option. I announced the name of Baby Boy even though I was so secretive about it with Baby Girl.  I guess it's different because he is going to be a II. Baby...

Hi, My Name Is...

My husband and I had a really hard time choosing Ashlyn's name.  We went back and forth for months before we finally decided what to name her.  I saw her name on a baby name website somewhere and added it to my list.  It was the only name on the list that he actually liked so that was it!  We decided to keep the name a secret until she was born, only allowing a very select group of people in on the secret. We love her name.  It is annoying when people call her Ashley or Ashland but we knew that would happen when we chose the name.  I still love it and I don't regret it at all.  Let's face it, naming your kid is pretty important so you want to make sure you're picking something you love and something they can live with for the rest of their lives! When we first started choosing names for Ashlyn, before we knew she was a she, my husband told me that if she had been a boy, he wanted a Jr.  No offense to any Jr's out there, but I'm just not i...


-So I think I picked the colors for Baby Boy's room.  I went very simple pink and brown with Baby Girl so I wanted something a little different and a little brighter for Baby Boy.  I think I'm going with bright blues and greens and some splashes of orange. The colors aren't as bright on the online samples as they are on the swatches I got but I really like the colors.  I even went ahead and painted a room on Home Depot's little paint simulator thingy and I really liked it.  I'm not sure if the blue or the green is going to be the main color yet.  I'm really hoping that finding things to match these colors won't be too hard.  I may have to adjust them a bit if I have a hard time. -I am scheduling a 3D/4D ultrasound scan for June.  I want to make sure that we have the correct baby gender and I also want the same cool 3D pictures we got with Baby Girl.  -I know that they say the second baby always gets the crappy hand me downs and gets ...

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl, we think you might have allergies.  You poor thing.  You always seem to have a runny nose and cough and your eyes are always a little red and puffy.  We can't figure out what else it might be.  Not sure what they do for toddler allergies but I guess we'll have to look into it. Dear Baby #2, well you certainly surprised Momma.  I thought for sure you were another little girl and it turns out you are not!  Baby Boy Miller!  We will confirm your gender with a 3D scan in a few weeks.  We are so excited to meet you!  Dear husband, yes I know you want a Jr.  I'm just not feeling it.  I guess you've got about 4.5 months to convince me.  PS: stop working so much! Dear ankles, you have been good to me so far.  Let's not start the swelling just yet.  I'd like to enjoy the warm weather with some capri pants before you begin to make me cover you.  Here's hoping we don't have any swelli...

19 Week Bumpdate, Gender Reveal and Other News!

    Doctor says everything is looking great with baby #2!!  The heart rate today was 154.  This has been lower than Ashlyn's every time.  She was in the 160-170 range the whole time.  Baby weighs 9 ounces and is looking good!  I have definitely been feeling the little one kick.  It's mostly when I lay down at night or when I'm sitting.  Just very light kicks and jabs every once in a while.  I actually felt the baby kicking from the outside today!  I can't wait for hiccups.  I used to love feeling Ashlyn's hiccups! According to the doctor's scale, I have gained 3 pounds.  According to my scale, it's only 1 pound.  Doesn't matter because when I was 20 weeks with Ashlyn, I had already gained 12 pounds!  This time has been so much different!  The heartburn has been pretty fierce but nothing that a Tums can't handle.  I also get a headache pretty much every day but it's nothing that a...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Baby Girl woke up this morning covered in vomit.  Gross..I know.  She seemed completely fine, though, so after a bath and some breakfast, she went to daycare.  She has been coughing a lot so I'm sure that's what caused it. I haven't posted my Bumpdate/Baby Gender/Other News post yet.  I'm getting there.  I promise. I'm having a really hard time dealing with turning 30 this year.  Age never bothered me before so I'm not sure why it's bothering me now.  All I can think about is how little time I have left.  So morbid. I prefer a hand written calendar over an electronic one.  There's just something about seeing your plans written in your own handwriting that makes them more real.  Plus, calendars and date books are adorable. I'm so tired of the attitude I'm getting at work.  I can't stand ridiculous people. The first few episodes of The Voice were great but I've been a little disappoi...

A Beautiful Weekend!

We decided to take Baby Girl to see her Uncle and Aunt this weekend.  My husband's brother lives about an hour and a half away from us so we don't get to see him and his wife very often.  My husband likes to use Facetime on the iPad to talk to them but that's not the same. So Saturday, after my husband finished his work day (which wasn't until 7pm), we headed to his brother's house.  Baby Girl slept almost the whole way there, go figure.  Just like her Mama, she can't stay awake on long car rides.  Not a big deal but not fun when you know you're going to be awake with the little one until midnight! We didn't arrive until around 9 because we stopped for food on the way.  We just relaxed for a bit and let Baby Girl run around and try to burn off some of her nap time energy.  It was a little rough but I finally got her to sleep around midnight.  She woke up at 8am the next morning ready to explore! After a nice breakfast at Cracker Barrel,...

Preparing for a Little One: Registering for Baby

Linking up with Kaitlyn at Wifessionals for   Kaitlyn is pregnant with her first sweet baby and this week she is asking for advice on registering for her baby.  When I registered for Ashlyn, I used .  I chose this site for many reasons.  I liked that I could register for items from many different stores and have them all combined into one registry on one site.  I also like that people didn't actually have to buy the items from the sites I had listed.  They could shop around for better prices but mark that they bought the item. The only problem I found with this site was that many people didn't mark off what they bought so I got some duplicates of bigger items.  When it comes to burp clothes and blankets, you can never have enough.  Play mats and car seats?  Not so much!  I would recommend this site but I would hope that people would read the directions! Make sure you register for EVERYTHING regardless of the...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl, so let's talk about how you know the ABC song.  You're not quite there with all of the letters but you know the whole tune and substitute your own little slurs for letters you're not quite sure of.  Brilliant kid.  Just brilliant.  This is why we signed you up for a music class! Dear Baby #2, I am so loving your little baby kicks.  It look a long time for me to feel them with Baby Girl so it's exciting that I get to feel them so soon with you.  They make me smile every time.  Can you do me a favor though?  Start kicking during the day when I'm sitting at my desk instead of at night when I'm trying to sleep!  Thanks! Dear warmer weather, while I love snow, I am really looking forward to you.  I can't wait to be able to take Baby Girl for walks at the museum and let her play outside.  She loves to be outside so I know it's going to be a great summer for her.  Probably not so great f...

Gender Prediction - Wives Tales

I did one of these posts before we found out that Baby Girl was a girl so I figured I'd do another one since we find out next week if we are team pink or blue with Baby Miller #2.  I'll also show which ones were false last time and which ones were true. 1. If you carry high, it's a girl. If you carry low, it's a boy. My Result last time:  My baby bump isn't big enough just yet to tell.  (I did carry pretty high last time so this one was TRUE ) My Result this time:  I do feel like I am carrying lower this time so Boy. 2. If you crave sweets, it's a girl. If you crave salty or sour snacks, it's a boy. My Result last time:  I'm always craving sweets so it must be a girl!  TRUE My Result this time:  The only thing I have really been craving is chocolate milk.  I guess since that's sweet, its a Girl ! 3. If the baby's heart rate is 140+, it's a girl. If the baby's heart rate is less than 140, it's a boy. My Result...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if...   Baby Girl is sick again.  Just a cold this time but the coughing is actually waking her up at night.  Any good remedies to quiet the coughing???  (besides the standard Vicks) I signed Baby Girl up for a Tempo Class after she was jamming out at Target the other night.  My friend Monika's little girl is also taking the class so that helped!  The girl loves music and she'll get to spend 45 minutes with her buddy Maya every Saturday! The above mentioned class cancels a lot of plans for me for Saturdays.  Oops! I DVR The Voice so that my husband and I can shoot through it in 30 minutes rather than 2 hours (15 minutes for a one hour episode).  I'm so over Linday Lohan.  I don't want to hear her name or see her face anymore.  Get over yourself girl! I can't drink enough chocolate milk.  Last pregnancy I craved regular skim milk.  This time it's low fat chocolate milk. ...

Happy Easter

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter!   We spent the day with my parents as we usually do.  My Mom always makes a big meal for us and it's nice because it's usually just our immediate family.   Even though we aren't into the egg hunts, my Mom set some eggs out on her front lawn for Ashlyn and her cousin, Cameron.  Ashlyn wasn't into it at first but then she started picking up some eggs.     After lunch, we took her for a walk in her little buggy.  She loves that thing and didn't want to get out of it but it was starting to rain so we had to go inside.       She played with the dog...      She hung on her Nana and listened intently while she sang songs...     Of course she was a whirlwind all day, as she always is at her Nan and Pop's house, so we didn't get a ton of great pictures and we didn't get a family picture like I wanted to.   But we had...