How far along: 20 weeks 6 days
Size of baby: Almost the size of a banana
Maternity Clothes: I bought one new shirt at Target.
Gender: It's a...........see below
Movement: Although the baby is moving around in there, I still can't feel a thing as far as I know. They tell me I should start to feel movement within the next week or two. YAY!
What I miss: My energy! I am still so very tired.
Cravings: Mostly carbs like potatoes, cheese fries, pasta, cheddar gold fish and still sweets!
Symptoms: I'm still very tired all of the time but I haven't been having too much trouble with headaches. I am still very moody and my ankles swell up at the drop of a hat. I've also got quite a bit of lower abdominal pain, which the doctor says is just my ovaries stretching. Boo!
Today is the day that we have been waiting so patiently for! The ultrasound looked great! We could see all kinds of baby anatomy on this one. Go figure the baby is breach right now. So to answer the question that we have been waiting for, and to post the first official baby bump photo...
They say it's a GIRL!!!!

Of course they won't say 100% because it was a little difficult to see but they couldn't find any 'evidence' of a boy! I am so very excited now! I am looking into going to a place that does the 3d/4d ultrasounds just to make sure!

I had a feeling it was going to be a girl and it looks like that feeling was right. I know my husband is a little disappointed because he wanted a boy so badly but I think he is ok with it because he knows how happy it makes me to be having a little girl. He's a good husband.
So now I can start addressing her as a her! No more it! We are not going to tell anyone the name we choose, though. We will keep that a surprise until the baby is born, if we can!
As far as symptoms go, I'm still pretty tired all the time. Don't think I'll be getting away from that at all. Not too many headaches but my ankles swell like crazy! I also have some aching pain in my lower abdomen/pelvic area and the doctor says it's normal. That's probably the most annoying symptom right now. That and the heartburn! Still can't eat meat. Just ham and hamburger for the most part and I try to stay away from both. Too much fat and salt!
An update on the house hunt: we were very disappointed to find out that the house we wanted was sold. The good news is that we found another house. We actually looked at this one from the outside and disregarded it because we didn't like the location. It's in a very busy area. But we went back and checked out the inside and realized that the house is in pretty good shape and would be a huge bonus to my husband's business. We put the offer in today.
We are going to be disappointed if we don't get it but not nearly as much as we were when we found out we lost the other house. If we don't get this one, we will keep our eyes open but we probably won't actively look anymore. We will just remodel the home we are in now and buy me a new car (I hope)!
On a different note, my parents are on vacation in Tennessee this week and I hope they have a great time! They usually go every other year and they love it down there! Of course I called my Mom right after my appointment and she was happy. She Had a feeling it was a girl too. We are dog sitting their white German Shepherd this week so that's fun. We have 4 dogs in our house!
I'm looking for another blog series to post about so watch for that. I also have a couple of random blogs to post in the next few days. Nothing about babies, just about some things that I thought were quite useful. I will post another update each week, and I will keep you posted on the 3d/4d ultrasound hunt!
Size of baby: Almost the size of a banana
Maternity Clothes: I bought one new shirt at Target.
Gender: It's a...........see below
Movement: Although the baby is moving around in there, I still can't feel a thing as far as I know. They tell me I should start to feel movement within the next week or two. YAY!
What I miss: My energy! I am still so very tired.
Cravings: Mostly carbs like potatoes, cheese fries, pasta, cheddar gold fish and still sweets!
Symptoms: I'm still very tired all of the time but I haven't been having too much trouble with headaches. I am still very moody and my ankles swell up at the drop of a hat. I've also got quite a bit of lower abdominal pain, which the doctor says is just my ovaries stretching. Boo!
Today is the day that we have been waiting so patiently for! The ultrasound looked great! We could see all kinds of baby anatomy on this one. Go figure the baby is breach right now. So to answer the question that we have been waiting for, and to post the first official baby bump photo...
They say it's a GIRL!!!!

Of course they won't say 100% because it was a little difficult to see but they couldn't find any 'evidence' of a boy! I am so very excited now! I am looking into going to a place that does the 3d/4d ultrasounds just to make sure!

I had a feeling it was going to be a girl and it looks like that feeling was right. I know my husband is a little disappointed because he wanted a boy so badly but I think he is ok with it because he knows how happy it makes me to be having a little girl. He's a good husband.
So now I can start addressing her as a her! No more it! We are not going to tell anyone the name we choose, though. We will keep that a surprise until the baby is born, if we can!
As far as symptoms go, I'm still pretty tired all the time. Don't think I'll be getting away from that at all. Not too many headaches but my ankles swell like crazy! I also have some aching pain in my lower abdomen/pelvic area and the doctor says it's normal. That's probably the most annoying symptom right now. That and the heartburn! Still can't eat meat. Just ham and hamburger for the most part and I try to stay away from both. Too much fat and salt!
An update on the house hunt: we were very disappointed to find out that the house we wanted was sold. The good news is that we found another house. We actually looked at this one from the outside and disregarded it because we didn't like the location. It's in a very busy area. But we went back and checked out the inside and realized that the house is in pretty good shape and would be a huge bonus to my husband's business. We put the offer in today.
We are going to be disappointed if we don't get it but not nearly as much as we were when we found out we lost the other house. If we don't get this one, we will keep our eyes open but we probably won't actively look anymore. We will just remodel the home we are in now and buy me a new car (I hope)!
On a different note, my parents are on vacation in Tennessee this week and I hope they have a great time! They usually go every other year and they love it down there! Of course I called my Mom right after my appointment and she was happy. She Had a feeling it was a girl too. We are dog sitting their white German Shepherd this week so that's fun. We have 4 dogs in our house!
I'm looking for another blog series to post about so watch for that. I also have a couple of random blogs to post in the next few days. Nothing about babies, just about some things that I thought were quite useful. I will post another update each week, and I will keep you posted on the 3d/4d ultrasound hunt!
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