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Update 07/05/11

How far along: 16 weeks 6 days
Size of baby: Almost the size of an onion
Maternity Clothes: I bought a few more things from Motherhood Maternity online. I really love their clothes!
Gender: Still unknown!! Find out August 1st!
Movement: Although the baby is moving around in there, I still can't feel a thing as far as I know. I should start to feel her moving soon.
What I miss: My energy! I am still so very tired.
Cravings: Spaghetti, cheddar goldfish, potatoes, sweets!
Symptoms: I'm still very tired all of the time and I am still getting headaches, which are pretty bad. I have been much more moody lately as well.

Today's check-up was easy. I only gained 3 pounds since my last check-up, which is awesome. She measured my belly and she said it's fine. We got to hear the heartbeat again and now my husband is convinced that we are having a boy because the heart rate is 149. We will find that out for sure August 1st.

The doctor answered my list of questions, which I had been compiling since my last appointment:

Q. Am I bigger than I should be?
A. No, she measured my belly and everything was normal. The weight gain was normal as well.

Q. Why do I have shooting pains in my belly?
A. My uterus is stretching out for the baby. I had googled this so I knew the answer already but I figured I'd ask the doctor just to be sure.

Q. Are the horrible headaches normal?
A. Yes, but they should go away in about 3 weeks. I am allowed to take Tylenol (extra strength is ok) to help with the headaches. If the Tylenol doesn't help, she told me to drink a caffeinated beverage. I'm allowed to have 2 a day but I've been drinking water only.

Q. Are nose bleeds normal?
A. Yes, try a nasal saline to help keep the nose moist.

So, everything is fine. It's nice to hear that from the doctor. I'm hoping things start to get easier. I am so miserable sometimes and I don't want to be!

Just an update on the elephant man ankle I posted the other day. I went home after work and put my feet up and took a nap. 2 hours later, the swelling still hadn't gone down. My husband and I went out for dinner and when we got home, I put my feet up again. We finally broke down and called the local hospital just to find out if it was worth a trip to the ER. The doctor said that since there was no pain, it was probably fine. Sleep cures everything because the next day, the elephant man was gone!

I'm still not able to eat too much meat. Ham has been about it and occasionally hamburger. My husband is tired of his sympathy belly so he got a lot of healthy foods last night at the grocery store. He will have a salad for lunch every day now and eat his veggie snacks instead of junk. But now he's trying to make me eat healthy! I know I should so I will try to ignore the sweets cravings from now on.

We are still arguing over the sex of the baby but after today, I think we are going to give it a rest. We only have a month before we find out if we are having a baby girl monster or a baby boy monster. It seems like forever to wait but it's not that bad.

I think I'm going with the gender party back up plan. Since my husband is impatient and can't wait to find out the gender, I think we will both find out and then I will fill cupcakes with blue or pink icing. I may only fill one cupcake and let one lucky person tell all. We shall see. But I think that will still be fun.

I'm still working on the baby gear blogs. I think I have 8 or 9 more to go.

We are still working out the details of the house we have been looking at. I think we are both really hoping that everything works out with the house because we really want a bigger place to live.

I will post another update on July 14th when I will be 18 weeks. I will also try to get a picture of the baby bump on here.

4th of July Weekend Update:

Sure enough, Friday night we went to visit our favorite girl at our favorite restaurant for dinner. You have to love routines! I was going to spend my Saturday cleaning but instead I watched TV and cuddled with the puppies. We spent Saturday night enjoying good food with good friends. We relaxed in the pool a little and then made s'mores at the bon fire.

Sunday we had church, then some lunch and then dinner with some more good friends. My husband has recruited their son as an employee for the summer, or for as long as he lasts! Monday was my husband's family picnic. It was the same picnic they have every year except I think that more people knew who we were this year! I watched the Macy's 4th of July fireworks on TV and listened to everyone in the neighborhood setting off their own fireworks. I've never been too interested in buying and setting off fireworks. I'd rather watch someone else set them off and clean up the mess!

How was your 4th of July weekend?


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