How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: The size of a mango
Maternity Clothes: I haven't bought anything new since my last online shopping spree but I am loving my maternity clothes.
Gender: Still unknown!! Find out August 1st! 11 days!
Movement: Although the baby is moving around in there, I still can't feel a thing as far as I know. I should start to feel her moving soon.
What I miss: My energy! I am still so very tired.
Cravings: Mostly carbs like potatoes, cheese fries, pasta, cheddar gold fish and still sweets!
Symptoms: I'm still very tired all of the time but I haven't been having too much trouble with headaches. I am still very moody and my ankles swell up at the drop of a hat.
We are still waiting to feel this baby move!! I have not felt any movement yet, that I'm aware of. I think we are both overly excited for that. No baby movement = me more anxious to get to my next appointment and make sure everything is ok in there!
Aside from the terrible mood swings and the horrendous fatigue, the other symptoms are easily manageable. I am a little grossed out by the swelling, though. My ankles are already swollen by the time I get to work and I had to take my wedding rings off because my fingers are too swollen. The excessive heat we are having does not help this at all!
I have been limiting my sweets as of lately. I have also been trying hard to eat more meats but it's just not working out well. I have been able to eat hot dogs (which I hate) and hamburgers, which is good since that's what most people serve at picnics!
11 more days until we find out the gender. I'm so excited. I can't wait to start picking the gender related items for the registry! And I can't wait to start calling this little baby monster by name!
I'm all done with the baby gear blogs and I have started a new blog series called "7 Ways to be an Awesome New Dad."
We are still working out the details of the house we have been looking at. We are getting closer to finding out what is happening with the loan. I think we get the final loan decision next Wednesday. Then we just have to put an offer in on the house! We are so excited at the thought of this house and we have so many plans.
I will post another update on August 1st when we find out the gender. I think I will post the first baby bump photo on that day too.
Since I don't have any new photos of the baby yet, how about I share some pictures of my other babies?
This is one of my favorite pictures of Katie. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. Can you see her little face poking out of the hole?

And my little Utley...he is such a cute little boy and he is my cuddle bug!
Size of baby: The size of a mango
Maternity Clothes: I haven't bought anything new since my last online shopping spree but I am loving my maternity clothes.
Gender: Still unknown!! Find out August 1st! 11 days!
Movement: Although the baby is moving around in there, I still can't feel a thing as far as I know. I should start to feel her moving soon.
What I miss: My energy! I am still so very tired.
Cravings: Mostly carbs like potatoes, cheese fries, pasta, cheddar gold fish and still sweets!
Symptoms: I'm still very tired all of the time but I haven't been having too much trouble with headaches. I am still very moody and my ankles swell up at the drop of a hat.
We are still waiting to feel this baby move!! I have not felt any movement yet, that I'm aware of. I think we are both overly excited for that. No baby movement = me more anxious to get to my next appointment and make sure everything is ok in there!
Aside from the terrible mood swings and the horrendous fatigue, the other symptoms are easily manageable. I am a little grossed out by the swelling, though. My ankles are already swollen by the time I get to work and I had to take my wedding rings off because my fingers are too swollen. The excessive heat we are having does not help this at all!
I have been limiting my sweets as of lately. I have also been trying hard to eat more meats but it's just not working out well. I have been able to eat hot dogs (which I hate) and hamburgers, which is good since that's what most people serve at picnics!
11 more days until we find out the gender. I'm so excited. I can't wait to start picking the gender related items for the registry! And I can't wait to start calling this little baby monster by name!
I'm all done with the baby gear blogs and I have started a new blog series called "7 Ways to be an Awesome New Dad."
We are still working out the details of the house we have been looking at. We are getting closer to finding out what is happening with the loan. I think we get the final loan decision next Wednesday. Then we just have to put an offer in on the house! We are so excited at the thought of this house and we have so many plans.
I will post another update on August 1st when we find out the gender. I think I will post the first baby bump photo on that day too.
Since I don't have any new photos of the baby yet, how about I share some pictures of my other babies?
This is one of my favorite pictures of Katie. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. Can you see her little face poking out of the hole?

And my little Utley...he is such a cute little boy and he is my cuddle bug!

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