I will most likely not be blogging again until Tuesday so I thought I'd get this in now. What kinds of plans do you have for this holiday weekend?
Tonight will probably be our usual dinner at Applebees where we sit at the bar and converse with our favorite bar tender. We only sit at the bar out of habit and because she is pretty much the only person we like. Don't worry, it's just water for me. My husband, however, will have as many Long Island Ice Teas as I will allow him.
I will sleep in Saturday, as long as the dogs don't wake me up and then spend the day doing laundry and cleaning. Saturday night will be spent with friends, in or out of their pool, depending on the weather. We may even enjoy a bon fire.
Sunday is church and then dinner with some other friends.
Monday is my husband's annual family picnic. It's going to be HOT so the baby and I are not looking forward to spending the day outside in the heat, especially with elephant man ankles!
It's going to be a busy weekend and I am going to hate dragging myself back to work on Tuesday but guess what Tuesday is??!!! Our next check up! We will get to hear our baby's heartbeat again so I'm very excited for that! I will post an update after the appointment. And you know what else?! One month from today we will find out if this is a little boy monster or a little girl monster! I am SO excited!! I'm still trying to figure out the gender party :(
Enough about me....I hope that you all have a great holiday weekend. Remember to think about all of our servicemen and women as you celebrate our Independence Day!
I'd like to take this time to thank Drew Yetter for his service. I graduted from High School with Drew. We re-connected via Facebook, where I found he was fighting for our Country. He was recently wounded while in Afghanistan but he is ok and back to 'work'. Stay safe Drew and thank you for your service! That's my shout out. Who are you going to shout out to?

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