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Showing posts from October, 2012

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I am seriously irritated by Sandy.  She's a bitch. Our preparation for Sandy was to make sure we had enough ice for our 'special' drinks.  We made sure we had plenty of baby food and formula too. In all of the time that we were home due to that bitch Sandy, the only thing we really got accomplished was to put the handles on our kitchen cabinets.  I have been pestering my husband to do this for about a year now so it's a win for me. I really hate Halloween and can't wait for it to be over so we can focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas. My husband and I can't seem to get ourselves to bed before 11pm on weeknights.  We just have so much to do. I can't stand Taylor Swift.  I think she is annoying and that she looks like a mouse and I am so over hearing about who she wrote a song about.  (My husband got her autograph before she became famous...think it's worth any money?) We still haven't carved...

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 30

Sandy has come and gone.  She has left us with damaged homes, flooding, power outages and deaths.  We were glad to see her go and she will certainly not be missed. Our power went out late last night for all of five seconds.  That was it.  So today I am grateful for Whatever Power Grid We Are On Because the majority of our neighborhood is without power but for some reason we are not. Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 29

Today I am grateful for   My Husband   Because (after almost a year) he finally put the handles on the kitchen cabinets. And then this happend... Kid's going to be walking in no time.   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 28

My husband and I have started a new routine of going to the grocery store every Sunday.  Sunday has become our day to prepare for the week.  We grocery shop, I plan our meals for the week, I pick out all of Baby Girl's outfits for the week and I pack lunches. We were worried that we wouldn't be able to do our normal shopping this Sunday because we figured everyone would be preparing for Hurricane Sandy so there would be nothing left.  Fortunately, we were wrong. So today I am grateful for Giant Foods Stores They must have worked over time to makes sure the shelves stayed stocked because we were able to do our normal grocery shopping and get a few extra things to prepare for Sandy. Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 27

Today we went out to dinner with friends in celebration of a birthday.  We went to Longhorn Steakhouse where we had a great meal, fun conversation and a mini meltdown by Baby Girl because she smacked her head on the table. After dinner we headed back to their house and just hung out.  We stayed pretty late, which is so unlike us, but my husband was having fun and I was enjoying the conversation with the ladies.  Every once in a while is ok. So today I am grateful for Late Nights with Friends Because they always mean lots of fun, even if we do oversleep the next morning! Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

Fall Photos

I just realized that I never posted anything more than the preview of our Fall family photos.  Oops!  So I'm linking up with Sarah at The Not Quite Military Wife  for  Here we go... Look at those baby blues. Daddy and his girl.   Gah I love this girl! My favorite one of the bunch. Baby Girl and her Cousin.  The love each other but don't they just look miserable!   Got this idea from Pinterest.  Didn't turn out quite the way I had planned but still a cool way to show the four generations. Baby Girl and her Nana.     The photos were taken by Carrie Nawarynski Photography and Carrie is amazing!  She is always so patient with us and she always gets the best pictures of my Baby Girl.   I am the luckiest woman in the world to have such an amazing and beautiful little girl.  She makes me smile and laugh every single day and I'm so glad that I have...

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 26

The husband worked late again tonight and I really didn't feel like making dinner.  I also didn't feel like going out to dinner.  So today I am grateful for Leftovers I know it's simple, but it was so nice to just be able to heat some stuff up. Plus, we didn't have to worry about wasting food. Win.   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

Another Award!

I was nominated for another award!  This one is from Sara at A McFall Minute.   Thanks so much Sara!   So here is the deal. 1) Thank the blogger who gave you the award.  2) Post 7 things about yourself.  3) Pass the award on to 7 deserving bloggers and let the know they have been nominated.  4) Include the logo of the award in your post.     7 Things about me 1.  I am a compulsive list maker.  I make lists for everything.  Need to clean the house?  I make a list for what needs to be done in every room.  Need to pack for a vacation?  I make a list for all of us, including the dogs, so I don't forget anything.  I also love the satisfaction of crossing things off the lists.  And if I don't cross something off, I will make another list of the things I didn't cross off.  I's borderline psychotic.  2.  I love to entertain.  I love to p...

Fitness Friday

Linking up with Mandy from Mommy Musings for My last post was basally an advertisement for .  I am still using Loseit every day and I am now down 12lbs!  The one thing I hate about Loseit?  How honest it is. Ya think maybe I drink too much? In any case, the calorie counting is going well and I have stayed under my calories every week!  Now it's time to start adding some regular exercise to my schedule.  I exercise whenever I feel like it right now.  And I do a lot of house cleaning and I chase a baby around a lot so that helps.  I had some motivation in the beginning to take Baby Girl with me for walks a few days a week.  It was easy because there is a beautiful park on my way home from work.  Now that it's getting colder outside, it's harder to do that.  I hate exercising at a gym so that's out.  So, I think I have found a solution.  I get to exercise at home and have tons of fun ...

Liebster Award

I keep seeing people posting about this Liebster Award.  The more I saw it, the more I wanted to get in on the action!  Isn't that the way it always works.  Of course you have to be nominated and someone nominated me!  A big THANK YOU to Lauren at Life as a Labeth .   Here goes....   For bloggers who have less than 200 followers The Rules: Each person must post 11 things about themselves Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer. Choose 11 people and link them in your post. Go to their page and tell them. No tag backs!   My 11 Facts: -I hate coffee.  Everyone harasses me for this. -I am a Twi-hard and I'm not ashamed.  Team Edward. -I named my blog after a line in one of the Twilight movies.  (one million cool points if someone can tell me which movie and who said it) -I have never lived more than 15 minutes from my parents.  ...

Fab Fridays

Linking up with Between the Lines for   Yes I know it's sad that I have come to a point in my life when I think a baby gate is fabulous but you know what? The child can't be contained anymore and this baby keeps her caged like a wild tiger and let's Mommy get her shit done.  Fabulosa. I think that my idea for the centerpieces for Baby Girl's birthday party is going to be fabulous. I know that they are going to take a lot of work but I think they will be worth it in the end. I'll have to give a sneak peak when I have my test run finished.     The festival last weekend was not as fabulous as I had hoped it would be but the hanging out with our friends was. We had fun picking pumpkins and eating the (disappointing) pumpkin funnel cake. We also had a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel afterwards. And we got some cute pictures!   I think it's fabulous that Baby Girl's daycare is having a PJ day on Wednes...

Friday's Letters

Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl, you just started crawling within the last month.  Let's chill with the walking.  Go ahead and keep talking though.  That's really cute. Dear 12 year old kid , if you were going to walk right out in front of my car to cross the street instead of waiting for me to pass, couldn't you have done it a little faster?  Instead, I literally had to stop and wait for your slow ass to cross because you think you are big shit.  Why weren't you in school?  And why were you smoking?!  You're an idiot.  Dear October, you are almost over and I'm kind of glad.  Bring on the holidays! Dear Sandy, I know it's weird but I'm actually kind of glad that you're coming.  Your visit means my husband can spend some time at home...maybe cleaning the garage...or finishing our kitchen.  But maybe you could just tone down the brutal winds and flooding rains a bit?...

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 25

Sometimes work drags on.  Sometimes I need something to help me get through the day.  So today I am grateful for My iPod Because being able to listen to music helps me get through the day.   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

Things That Make Me...

...want to lock my little girl up and never let her leave the house. Have you heard about Autumn Pasquale  and about how two teenage boys killed her over bike parts? How about Jessica Ridgeway  who was also killed by a teenage boy on her way to school. I came across this today: Outrage in China .  Makes me want to fly to China and slap the shit out of that bitch.  I mean who does that to little kids? All of these things happening everywhere seriously makes me want to keep my daughter by my side every second of every day for the rest of our lives.  I can't stand it.  Kids killing kids now?  Teachers beating innocent children? Tears.

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 24

Today I am grateful for Pots and Pans Because they are a life saver when you're making more than one way!   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 23

I have been linking up a lot lately.  I like to link up because I think it's fun.  Not only does it help me gain followers, it also allows me to find some really awesome blogs to follow.  It is how I got most of my blog reading list. So, today I am Grateful for Link Ups Some of my most recent link ups are: So What Wednesdays with Life After I Dew Friday's Letters with Adventures of Newlyweds 31 Days of Gratefulness with The Nester Fab Fridays (new!) with Between the Lines Eff, Marry, Kill (new!) with The Vintage Apple Let's Talk Tattoos (new!) with Melanie Friday Chaos (new!) with Oh So Amelia These are just a few of the most recent link ups I have participated in.  I love them all and I will continue to link up as much as I possibly can.  Check them out so  you can link up too!   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I take 20 pictures of Baby Girl just to get one good one but then don't delete the 'bad' ones.  Is there really a bad photo of my angel? I have been slipping a bit lately with the diet.  I can feel it and I hate it.  Back to the grind. I'm pretty sure Just Dance 4 is going to be my new workout.  Call me maybe. I am late to work a lot because I hate waking Baby Girl up in the mornings.  I love it when she wakes up on her own and gives me that big smile.  It's worth being late. We still haven't carved our pumpkins.  Not much point now. It stings a little when Baby Girl practically jumps into the arms of the girls at daycare.  She's allowed to like other people too.  I guess. We have eaten at our friend's new BBQ place two nights in a row.  Sorry guys but we won't be visiting again tonight.  Momma's got a diet to stick to. I was totally disappointed by the pumpkin funnel cake that ...

Eff, Marry, Kill

This is my first time linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple.   This looked fun so here goes...       I chose reality TV for my Eff, Marry, Kill.   My favorite show right now is The Voice so...       Eff - Mr. Adam Levine of course.  Look at the man. Marry - Blake.  Mainly because I think he is hilarious and he would probably make me laugh every single day.  And he's cute too! Kill - Sorry Ceelo.  I like your personality but your weird obsession with having a new animal each season kind of freaks me out.   What would you choose??  Leave me some comments and go link up!

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 22

Friends of ours decided to open a BBQ restaurant in our area.  Today was their grand opening we ate there for dinner.  So today I am grateful for Hall of Flame BBQ & Wings Wings = awesome Pulled pork = awesome Brisket = awesome The place is just awesome. Not only were we able to support our friends, I didn't have to cook!  Extra awesome! So if you're local, go check them out!   Up to the challenge? Link up at The Nester .

31 Days of Gratefulness: Day 21

    Today was the day.  We had been preparing for the local Apple Harvest Festival for a while now.  If you read my blog at all, you know I have been looking forward to the pumpkin funnel cake this festival promised to supply.  So we packed the baby up, grabbed some friends and headed to the festival.   In all honesty, it was a total disappointment.  They had an 'apple bar' which we didn't even really care enough about to look at.  They had a table with assorted apple and pumpkin items on it that you could buy.  They had a pumpkin painting table and some hayrides.  And then they had two food trucks.   Maybe I just hyped it up more than I needed to but it was a bit disappointing.  I mean the website did say 4th Annual Apple Harvest Festival.  That sounds pretty amazing doesn't it?  But since I raved about it for like the past month, Today I am grateful for Pumpkin Funnel Cake   Because e...