5 days a week, my husband and I go to work and our precious little Baby Girl goes to daycare. Someone else gets to play with her all day long. Someone else gets to see her smiles and hear her laughs. Someone else gets to give her hugs and kisses.
Saturdays are a different story. Saturdays are MY day with my little girl. My husband is usually working on a Saturday so it's just Baby Girl and I all day long. And let me tell you.....it is heaven.
It's like she knows it's our day together and she is just the most perfect little angel ever. She wakes up happy, goes down for naps easily, eats like a champ, smiles non-stop and almost never cries. We laugh and cuddle and play and take naps together and for that one day, everything is perfect.
So today I am grateful for
Because on Saturdays, my little girl makes me fall in love with her all over again.
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