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Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl, I know there have been a lot of changes lately but I really think you're ready for potty training. You like the fact that you get M&Ms whenever you go so that's a start. We are stocked with pulls ups and ready to go so let's rock this!

Dear Little Man, while your sleeping still isn't where I'd like it to be, it is getting better. You are still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat but you are at least going right back to sleep afterwards now. That makes it a little easier on Mommy. Now let's work on some 4-5 hour stretches.

Dear Miley, while I actually like your song Wrecking Ball, the video is stupid and makes absolutely no sense. I get the actual wrecking ball but swinging naked on it? 

Dear sore throat, please go away. I really don't want a cold and I really don't want to get my kids sick because that would just suck.

Dear Grey's, you have been awesome so far. I can wait to see more.

Dear husband, yes I'm going to fight you on the mini van. I don't want one. Until you prove to me that something like an Acadia won't work with three kids, I'm not changing my mind.

Dear The Voice, I am thoroughly enjoying you this season, especially since the original coaches are back. I don't have as many favorites this season though. 

Dear rain, I used to like you but do you have any idea how hard it is to get two kids in and out of the car when you're drenching us? Go away. Now.

Dear readers, Have a good weekend!



  1. I've been contemplating really pushing this potty training thing too, but I'm not sure Taylor is on the same page. She got an M&M this weekend for the first time and was obsessed, so maybe we should go that route too!

  2. I agree with the has rained the last two 'grocery days' for us and I'm not a fan of rain and a toddler. I can't imagine adding a baby!
    Erin actually talked about a mini van this weekend! His brother has a honda odyssey and he liked it. I'm not a fan of vans or suvs....I don't like being that high. but I was amazed he talked about it.


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