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Liebster Award

I keep seeing people posting about this Liebster Award.  The more I saw it, the more I wanted to get in on the action!  Isn't that the way it always works.  Of course you have to be nominated and someone nominated me!  A big THANK YOU to Lauren at Life as a Labeth.
Here goes....
For bloggers who have less than 200 followers

The Rules:

Each person must post 11 things about themselves
Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.
Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag backs! 

My 11 Facts:

-I hate coffee.  Everyone harasses me for this.
-I am a Twi-hard and I'm not ashamed.  Team Edward.
-I named my blog after a line in one of the Twilight movies.  (one million cool points if someone can tell me which movie and who said it)
-I have never lived more than 15 minutes from my parents.  That's just the way it's always worked out.
-I am kind of obsessed with Coach purses. 
-My husband and I were together ten years before we finally got married. 
-I love to plan things.  I should have been a party planner.
-I hate the beach.  I love the smell and sound of the ocean, but I hate the sand and the heat and the salt water.
-My favorite season is Fall but my favorite holiday is Christmas.  I would leave my Christmas decorations up all year if it didn't cause people to suspect I was crazy.
-I have a love/hate relationship with my hair.  I love it long but then hate how much time it takes to maintain.  So I chop it off and then hate that I chopped it off and let it grow back.  Endless cycle.
-I never thought that being a Mom would be as awesome as it has been. 

Lauren's Questions:

1.  What is your guilty pleasure movie that you could watch 39840 times in a row? 
Step Brothers.  It just never gets old.

2.  Did you have the names for your kids picked out before you even knew you were having them? If you don't have kids, do you have names already?
Yes, I did.  I had always wanted to name a daughter Madison if I had one.  But then my cousin had a little girl and named her Madison.  Next name on the list was Kaydee.  But then we got our first Pug who was already named Katie so that went out the window.  I loved the name Brenna but my husband hated it.  We finally decided on Ashlyn about 2 months before she was born.  Yes, I already have names picked out if the next one is a girl! 

3.  What is your favorite holiday drink/snack?
Anything pumpkin flavored.

4.  How addicted are you to Pinterest?
I was totally addicted at first.  It was an app on my phone.  But not quite as much anymore.

5.  If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be?
You know that expression 'I'd love to be a fly on the wall'??  Well I wouldn't want to be a fly because they are gross.  But I think I would like to be a dog.  I know it's simple but I would seriously love to know what my dogs are thinking sometimes.  Do they think I'm dumb when I hold conversations with them.  Do they secretly want to eat the baby who has set up camp in their home?  Why do they really eat the cat poop?  Inquiring minds want to know.

6.  What is one irrational fear that you have?
I am ridiculously scared of spiders.  I don't care how small they are, I will scream.

7.  What is your favorite blog to stalk read?
My favorite blog is Perfectly Imperfect.  I just love her posts and her little girl is so cute!

8.  Do you feel obligated to match your clothes all the time? Even pajamas?
Yup.  I'm big on this.  My husband is not and it drives me crazy.

9.  If you could have any pet in the world without having to worry about safety or money issues, what would you pick?
An elephant.  Because they are just big, beautiful creatures who seem to have so much wisdom behind those giant, floppy ears.  Plus their babies are adorable.  I mean a.dor.a.ble.

10.  What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
I'm a book-to-movie kind of gal.  If I see that a movie is coming out that is based on a book, I almost always go buy the book and read it.  I am that person who watches the movie and says 'that didn't happen in the book' the whole time.

11.  What is one thing you could never live without?
One thing....probably my cell phone.  Not really because I like to talk on it but because it holds about 1500 pictures of my life on it.  Whenever I am having a bad day, I know that I can grab my phone and check out some of the random and adorable pictures of my daughter and it gives me an instant lift.  It also helps that I can check Facebook, Twitter, E-mail and Blogger on there.

And the Nominees Are:

Lisa at Have a Nice Day
Angela at Wouldn't Change a Thing
Bridget at Just Living Our Story
Sara at A McFall Minute
Valerie at From Single to Forever
Jo at Will the kids turn out ok?
Lacy at Little Soup Family
Kimmie at Little Carrigans
Bethany at Growing Each Day
April at Meet the Jechs
Jessica at Take it Like a Mommy
Jennifer at Part of That World
(yes I know there's 12)

My Questions:

1.  Where is your happy place?
2.  You have the change to meet one celebrity...who would it be?
3.  What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
4.  If you could be given any gift, what would it be?
5.  What is the most embarrassing CD/Album you have ever owned and do you still have it?
6.  What's your favorite band of all time?
7.  You're in the car....what's your jam? 
8.  If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
9.  What was your favorite game to play as a child?
10.  Do you have any toys or games from your childhood that you are passing to your own children?  If you don't have kids, do you have anything saved for when you do?
11.  Would you rather have the power to be invisible or to read minds?

I know it's a lot of work but I really hope that you ladies answer the questions, even if you don't decide to nominate others.  I would love to get to know all of you better!


  1. that your blog was named after (I think) Rosalie's line. I love that girl. I also like the thought of the beach, but hate being in the sun and sand ( I burn easily ). My hair is an endless cycle too. I like it blonde, but when the highlights start to grow out, I'm all let me put it brown and then hate it. The cutting part of it too happens.

    Stepbrothers. CLASSIC! I got my husband into it because when we re-connected, he said he hated it and I thought, HOW???!!! Now he loves it. how hilarious is the car scene with them singing Sweet Child o' Mine?

    1. One million cool points to you! Doesn't hair suck! Too much work. That's too funny about you and your husband. My husband and I both hated the movie the first time we watched it. Then we watched it again and both said, how can we hate this movie?!

  2. Oh and just so you know, you are becoming one of my absolute favorite blogs to read!

    1. Thank you so much! I like reading your blog too. Please please please add yourself to my nomination list! I don't know why I didn't add you!!!!

  3. Thank for nominating me!! I'll be posting later today or tomorrow.

    I'm also Team Edward and glad you have been keeping up with the countdown to the new movie. Part 1 may have been one of two movies we saw in the theater last year. :o)

    Also, I nominated you for another award. :o)

    1. Yay for Team Edward! I can't wait for the movie! I think Part 1 was the only movie I saw in theaters last year!

      Thanks so much!!!!

  4. I LOVE fall and Christmas too!!
    And I have the same hair cycle problem. It's long again right now, so maybe I can break the cycle this time?!
    Spiders = evil.

    1. Christmas is just the best holiday. I love the lights and decorations. My hair is medium length right now. I got about 12 inches chopped for locks of love and now it's growing back out.


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