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Holy F

My husband volunteered me to babysit this past weekend.  A two month old.  I got my little 11 month old and a 2 month old.  And my husband was working so I was on my own.  Joy.  I figured it would give me a nice taste of what it will be like with two kids in the future.

Here's my little stinker being her nosy self trying to see the baby in the play pen. 
She couldn't quite see over the top, though.
This is the calm before the storm. 
Baby Girl was her happy little self the whole time the baby was sleeping.  When that baby was awake?
Holy F.
I don't think I was prepared for the epic meltdown she had as soon as the baby woke up.  I guess maybe she saw the bottle as I was feeding the little one and that set her off because she literally sat in a small pool of her own tears and would not stop crying.  I had to put the baby down and put Baby Girl in her high chair with some puffs and juice to calm her down.

It was hard to try to choose between the two.  I mean, I wanted to make sure the little one was getting what she needed but I couldn't just ignore my Baby Girl. 

While we didn't have any more epic meltdowns, she was clingy and whiny the rest of the night, even after my husband got home.  I put the little one in the vibrating chair and sat on the floor and played with Baby Girl so she wouldn't fee left out but it didn't help much.

I have tried so hard to make sure that Baby Girl didn't become too dependent on me.  I didn't let her fall asleep on me.  If she did, I made sure I put her in her crib right away.  I didn't hold her 24/7.  I tried to let her go and play on her own as much as I could.  I let her do what she wants, within reason, but also discipline her when she is wrong.

Sometimes I feel like this backfires on me because I want her to need me and she just doesn't seem to.  Sometimes I'm afraid that I let her become a little too independent.  This was probably the first time that I actually felt like Baby Girl needed me.  And while it was nice to be needed, it wasn't pretty and it certainly did give me a huge reality check.

Please tell me that she is just too young to understand and that next year, when we hope to have a second child, it will be a little easier!  I was exhausted!  I mean, the little one wasn't that much work because she was pretty happy most of the time but Baby Girl?  Just trying to handle her demanding attitude was tiring.  I can't imagine having twins!

While this little trial was exhausting, it really doesn't make me want to change my mind about having another baby next year.  I really think my husband was hoping it would but no luck on that buddy!!

Linking up with Faith for
The Life Of Faith


  1. The first time my daughter saw me with another baby, it was melt down central! I had to give the baby back to mom, and my daughter climbed in my lap faster than anything. She wasn't even 2 at the time, so a little older than your daugther, but still young enough to realize that she had never seen me hold another baby other than her. She has been fine after that one time.

    Now, we days away from having a 2nd baby, and she's almost 4, and couldn't be more excited. I'm sure it was a shock to your little one to realize she had to share mommy.

    New follower from Mommy Moments.


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