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Surgery Smurgery

Friday was Baby Girl's ear surgery.  She had tubes put in her ears.  While I was dreading this, I was also anxiously awaiting it because it means no more ear infections for the poor little thing. 

Everyone was very nice and very good at explaining everything to us.  I had a pre-admission call on Wednesday and the nurse went through the process step by step and answered all my questions.  I felt very prepared when the time came to take her in.

We had to be at the hospital at 5:45am.  Oh yea.  That sucked big time.  Especially since we had a half hour drive to the hospital.  We left Baby Girl in her PJs and threw her in the car quickly so as not to wake her.  We were successful!  She woke up for a few minutes once we arrived but then she fell right back to sleep.

Her surgery was scheduled for 7:30 but getting her signed in took a bit of time because there were a few people ahead of us.  We went back to the surgery area around 6:30 but we were just sent to another waiting room until the anesthesiologist came to speak with us, which wasn't until around 7.  Baby Girl finally woke up once we got back there.

In the waiting room

We were taken to her room, where we had to put her in this little baby gown.  It was cute and sad at the same time! 

She didn't seem to mind the HUGE crib they put her in 

Reading a book to pass the time 

This is where it gets hard.  They gave Baby Girl a liquid drug to help her relax.  It made her look like she was drunk.  This was the worst part for me because she kept looking at me like 'what the hell did you do to me?!" 

They took her back to surgery at exactly 7:30 and came back out at exactly 7:40.  It was that quick.  We weren't sure what to expect once we got back to her since they said some babies are chill right after and some are crazy!  I could hear her crying as soon as I entered the hallway.  She was not happy! 

Once we got some cuddles in and some food in her belly, she was just fine.  The doctor warned me that the worst part of it would probably be that she would be hungry since she couldn't eat breakfast.

Once we got her fed and dressed, she was perfectly fine!  She fell asleep in the car on the way home but she was back to her usual little self as soon as we got home.

Since the surgery, this child has seriously gotten her appetite back.  I have never seen her eat so much!  Maybe she is just going through a growth spurt or something but I can't give her food fast enough!  And she is back to being the happy little child she always has been.  So much less whining and so much more laughing!
Just when I thought we were all starting to get healthy, Baby Girl and I both have a cough.  It was a bad enough cough for her to wake her in the middle of the night so she got to sleep with me.  Let's hope this is just a quick cold or something.  I'm sick of being sick!
This has been a big week full of changes for Baby Girl.  She got her ear tubes put in.  She moved up to the toddler room at daycare, which she loves.  We also decided to stop her night time bottle.  The doctor told us that we should have done this at 12 months already but I wasn't worried.  She has done very well so far this week but I won't call her officially bottle free until we have at least a solid week in.  She is such a big girl now!


  1. Whoo! Glad everything went well. :)

  2. The little I nannied for awhile back had tubes put in also. For some reason it made her have an awesome appetite too!

  3. I can't imagine how I'd react if Emma has to have surgery.

    Glad to hear she is doing better!!! Also, I've heard that after being sick a baby will eat a ton after feeling better to make up for calories lost.

  4. Glad it went well! That must have been so tough! It's hard to watch your kids go through things. Her smile is precious!


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