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Manic Monday

Linking up with Terri at Rambling Momma for
1.  What is your dream job?
--------As of right now, my dream job is being a stay at home Mom.  I can't wait to be able to spend all day with my little angel.  A paying job?  Probably something in party planning.  I love to plan parties.  I love to decorate and coordinate food and design invitations.  I wish I would have realized that before I got the $70K business degree but oh well. 
2.  If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
--------Italy.  I have always want to go to Italy.
3.  What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
--------I have honestly never had a bucket list.  I've never sat down and said 'these are the things I want to do by the time I'm...' because I know the list would be ever changing since so many of my decisions are based on where I am at with my life.  So, I'll list my three top priorities as of right now. 
1.  to become a stay at home mom
2.  to move into a bigger home
3.  to pay off all of our debt
Pretty boring, I know, but that's what's important right now.  Ask me again next year and I might say go skydiving!
4.  If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
--------1.  to win an obscene amount of money the lottery, because that would take care of our debt, help us move into a new home and help us to set our children up financially for life.  And it would help me cross off the three bucket list items above.  2.  for my family and I to live long healthy lives, meaning maintaining healthy weights and avoiding illness and disease.  3.  that the concept of common sense be instilled in every living human being.  I think this would end a lot of stupidity and would really make the world a more tolerable place.
5.  What's your favorite song of the moment?
--------Alex Clare, Too Close - not sure why but I jam out to it every time I hear it!


  1. I love all your answers. I also long to be a SAHM. And a paying job like that would be good can do it from HOME!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to stay at home. My husband thinks I'll go crazy but I don't.


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