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So What Wednesday

Life After I Dew

This week, I'm saying So What if...
  • Baby Girl has been completely paci free for a week now.  I can't believe the habit was that easy to break. 
  • I get sad whenever I watch the part in Toy Story 3 when the toys fall off the truck in the rain.  I don't know why it makes me so sad.
  • I also get sad whenever I watch Up!
  • I've been watching Tree House Masters and now I kind of want a tree house....for myself.
  • We remodeled our living room like three years ago and never hung our photos back on the walls.  They have been completely bare. 
  • I still haven't made Ashlyn's second year book or our family photo books.  I usually give them as gifts for Christmas.
  • I LOVE that every time I have something in my hands (remote, phone, etc) my little chunk baby tries to steal it.  He pulls my arms towards him until he gets it.  Always makes me laugh.
  • Someone recently told me that I should be drunk all of the time because then I'd be more fun. 
  • I always thought cloth diapering was a bit gross but now I'm seriously considering trying it.  It actually seems much easier and Mommas gotta save some money!
  • I also can't wait start making my own baby good.  I just need to pull the trigger on a good blender.
  • I'm tired of all the judgement against women who get epidurals.  The pain threshold while giving birth is equivalent to 20 bones being fractured.  I'll take an epidural for that.  Watch for a new Mommy Wars post. 
  • We are officially moving!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited and will share more in another post.


  1. Can't wait for your mommy wars post! Ridiculous...I loved every second of my epidural...and that doesn't make me less of a woman:)

  2. I am a granny and I used cloth diapers on my kids. It really wasn't that bad but back then we didn't know much about disposable diapers. I didn't have an epidural with any of my three deliveries but if they had been around back then you can bet I would have had one. Birth without drugs is a nightmare!!!!!!!!

    1. Cloths diapers really have come a long way and I'm kind of excited to try them! I give a lot of credit to women who have babies with no meds but I really feel like women are attacked because they choose meds. It's crazy!

  3. When I told my dad I planned on getting an epidural, he cringed. He said that some people have bad reactions to it and that it could leave a residual pain that would feel like electrical current shooting up my spine. Lol, silly daddy. I cant imagine labor without an epidural. I threw up my guts (because you know they don’t let women eat food during their labor) for hours during each contraction. I was crying, screaming, in the worst pain of my life. I had the epidural for 7 hours of my 23 hour labor and wouldn’t go any other way. Critics can go pound sand. I cant believe taking the paci away was so easy- I’ve heard horror stories! Also, I would love a treehouse lol

  4. We seriously considered cloth diapering, I have just yet to pull the trigger on it.
    Can't wait to hear more about moving, so exciting!! Is it the place you've talked about before?


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